Feb 8, 2014

What's New... What's New...

This is why I haven't posted recently... I don't feel like I have a whole lot to report.

I did go take the 1-hour glucose test about 2 weeks ago and failed.  I'm not too worried right now as my Dr. doesn't like to ask pregnant women to fast for the 1 hour so as we left for the appointment, Josh needed to stop for a coffee and pastry to tied him over.  Well... like I'M going to resist a pastry at 7 months pregnant and salivating over sugar??!  So yeah, I went for the plain croissant.  Dang it!  I knew better but I was not thinking clearly :(  The cut off is 130 and I scored 147.  I truly believe the croissant and all of it's white flour fluffy goodness that turns straight into sugar is what pushed me those 18 points over.  Anyway, I have worked nearly every single day since my test and haven't been able to schedule the 3-hour glucose test until now.  I go Tuesday morning.  Hurrumph.  I am less than thrilled to sit and do nothing in a lab waiting room for 3 hours so I can get my blood drawn every hour.   Let's just hope with fasting that I am processing insulin efficiently and my scores are good.  If 2 out of 3 come back over, then I will be diagnosed with gestational diabetes and have to keep a food journal, watch my sugar and carb intake and do a finger prick blood test 4 times a day to make sure I'm staying at good levels.  Our cousin Abi, who is one week behind me, failed hers recently :(

Wish me luck!!  I've always been pretty good about watching my carb intake, especially any white flour carbs and I have a moderate sweet tooth that I normally keep under control.  During my pregnancy my sugar cravings have definitely increased.  I have no way to gauge whether it's just that of a normal level or not, but I think it's still under control.  I like to eat ice cream every day.. but it's about 1/4 a pint.  Is that a little or a lot?  I've also been addicted to the convenience of my almost daily fruit smoothie.  Although good sugars, still sugars if you are monitoring yourself for gestational diabetes. I cannot imagine giving up any sugar! 

PS:  I love this to add major nutrients to my smoothies:  Vitamineral Green Powder

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