Oct 26, 2013

Week 15

Some fun facts about my pregnancy at week 15:

"Baby's legs are now longer than his arms and he can move all of his joints and limbs.  Get ready for a cute attack: Her eyebrows are beginning to grow, and the hair on her head may be starting to sprout."

I have been so very lucky to have had an easy first trimester!  From the many stories I've heard from friends and from the "what to expect" articles, etc. I couldn't be more grateful.  The early food aversions are almost all gone, although I still have issues with chicken and meat in general doesn't sound that great.  Since eating a more variety of foods, I have been able to go back to my more moderate intake of sweet treats although I still splurge now and again more than I used to but hey, I'm celebrating :)

I have had some allergy issues on and off for more than a year and haven't pinned down exactly what causes them so I just assumed it was more pesky allergy issues making me stuffed up as I lay down to sleep every night.  Come to find out, it's a somewhat common pregnancy symptom!  "Congestion during pregnancy occurs when high levels of estrogen and progesterone increase blood flow to all the body's mucous membranes, including the nose, which causes them to swell and soften."  Also fun news is that this can last the whole pregnancy... yay.   I'm going to pick up a vaporizer tomorrow and add some extra Vitamin C to my daily intake as I've seen suggested. 

The only other noticeable development is the round ligament pain.  "You may feel round ligament pain as a short jabbing sensation or a sharp, stabbing pain if you suddenly change position, such as when you're getting out of bed or out of a chair or when you cough, roll over in bed, or get out of the bathtub. You might also feel it as a dull ache after a particularly active day – when you've been walking a lot or doing some other physical activity."  So far not as "jabbing" as it sounds, just a tight/achy feeling.  I'm glad to be prepared for slightly more intense pains and to know this is normal and to be expected.  Nothing like feeling light aches and stretching sensations to give you a little moment of worry.  With the first pregnancy everything is so new!

15 week bump!

Oct 19, 2013

First Day of 2nd Trimester!

Today was the very first day of our 2nd trimester and our third midwife visit and we finally got to hear the heartbeat!!!  Josh and I shared the fear on the way home that, although completely unfounded, we both thought maybe we weren't really pregnant.  That maybe it was some hysterical or phantom pregnancy.  Having so very few symptoms and not having heard the heartbeat yet will do that to you apparently!  So I guess now I can start doing the happy dance and being thankful for my virtually symptom free first trimester!  Other satisfying news was that my fundus is taller than my midwife expected which makes me feel better about popping out so early :)  And no, there was just one heartbeat, also somewhat of a comfort to be honest, ha!

Oct 10, 2013

Objects look larger than they appear

These are horrible pics, I know.  I have to prop my laptop on an open drawer on my dresser, the lighting is awful and the photobooth app on my computer takes very low quality pics.  Hopefully I can team up with Josh and get him to take some better ones, we are hardly home (both of us awake) at the same time these days!  And I'll have to ask Josh, but I think I look larger in these photos than I really am.  I haven't gained any weight - no seriously - but I think it's because I was growing in size and losing weight at the same time and just netting out. Ha!
12 weeks 4 days

First Mom Friend!!

I went out this morning to grab a breakfast sandwich for Josh as he has a very long and very busy day today.  While in line at the cafe I asked the mom in front of me how old her baby boy was (Wallace 5mos) and we just kept talking.  She waited with me for my order and then we walked the same direction for a bit and exchanged numbers and a hug.  You can't imagine how elated I am!  And did I mention she lives on my street??  How amazing is that!?

UPDATE - I just had to update this... my first mom friend, the lovely, wonderful, unique, whole-hearted, fantastic friend: Kalene.  This post is just over 4 years ago.  She has been my rock and loyal friend every since.  I can't be more fortunate to have met her and her staying such a close friend.  Some pics below:
Baby Wallace, about the time of this post

One of B's first visitors!

Baby Chris Farley & Big Baby B
W & B 

Oct 9, 2013

New Symptom!

Vivid Dreams/Nightmares - sweet.

I'll say it now so we are all clear, I'm not exactly complaining... ok, I kind of am.  If this is the only new thing I have to report and grumble about then it's all pretty awesome and I am aware of that.  This morning sometime around 3:00... 4:00am I woke with a forceful breath from my very very stressful dream.  I still remember it fairly well and it's weird and all over the place because it's a dream, but the gist was I was being accused of some major crime (something to do with bookkeeping fraud, HA! - this is how much I obviously dislike accounting!).  Josh was too for some reason and there was this situation of jumping off a building with a parachute... all while being terrified of going to prison for something I didn't do, losing Josh as well, fearing for my life with the jumping from a building idea and I was really horrified of being pregnant in prison and someone else having to raise my baby.  Oy.  Most of the dream was basically me in hysteric fits of crying, hence why I woke up needing a big breath of air and bless my sweet guy, a 4am cuddle.  Josh is shockingly sweet when I wake from bad dreams, not that there have been all that many before now, so I'm hoping the next 6 months don't push his limits!  They will I'm sure...

Nothing else is new... feeling really good, which still frightens me a bit, eating pretty well but still not in the mood for all that much.  Still loving sweets more than I used to and still going to bed early which I think helps me from being too tired during the day.  Those drop dead tired days are gone, yay!  I can't really tell if my bump is bigger, but after looking at that last photo, I'm guessing it is.  I'll get Josh to take another photo soon.