Oct 19, 2013

First Day of 2nd Trimester!

Today was the very first day of our 2nd trimester and our third midwife visit and we finally got to hear the heartbeat!!!  Josh and I shared the fear on the way home that, although completely unfounded, we both thought maybe we weren't really pregnant.  That maybe it was some hysterical or phantom pregnancy.  Having so very few symptoms and not having heard the heartbeat yet will do that to you apparently!  So I guess now I can start doing the happy dance and being thankful for my virtually symptom free first trimester!  Other satisfying news was that my fundus is taller than my midwife expected which makes me feel better about popping out so early :)  And no, there was just one heartbeat, also somewhat of a comfort to be honest, ha!

1 comment:

  1. I was convinced of a phantom pregnancy my first time. I was so neurotic my sweet hubby found a place to rent heart monitors from so I could listen whenever I wanted too. And I did obsessively. I'm a nut, I know.
