I ran across this natural sleep remedy and though of many of my friends who complain about having trouble sleeping or waking in the middle of the night. Josh sometimes goes through phases where he will wake for an hour or two and I was hoping to get him or someone to try this! The article explains why it works and sounds pretty interesting so I've been curious. Finally, my friend Andrea gave it a try and posted on Facebook that it worked!
I've never had much trouble with sleep, sometimes falling asleep can take me a bit, but once I'm out, I can get up and go to the bathroom, have some water and go right back to sleep. Until my third trimester... Around 8 months I found I couldn't just go back to sleep after a bathroom break, my mind would start thinking about stuff. This started right after Andrea had successfully tried my sleep dust solution which I had yet to use myself. LOVE! What a super cheap, easy and healthy option to help get back to sleep! I keep a little saki cup on my night stand and just dip my finger in and place a bit under my tongue before I lay down again from one of my bathroom breaks and switching positions. I have no more trouble going back to sleep, it's wonderful! Also, rapadura sugar is easy to find in stores like Whole Foods, not sure where to find the other kind listed in this recipe. Andrea noted she just used all regular sugar and said it worked too, so feel free to give that a try! Who doesn't have salt and sugar on hand?
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